Help Etopia support community building, share regenerative living ideas, and continue showcasing the power of Virtual Worlds … THE proven metaverse.
Etopia was founded to create a virtual world in which we could explore how to adapt to the challenges posed by Peak Oil and Climate Change. Since the beginning, Etopia has been about sustainability and embracing the ideas of a community of creative, passionate, and thoughtful participants. Since 2007 our community has evolved without abandoning our core values and ideals. The same is true for our parent company, Brain Energy Support Team (BEST). Your donations help Etopia keep the lights on and the education going. All donations are tax deductible. |
BEST is known for providing education, peer support, and training to help individuals with brain injury re-integrate into their real-world communities. They’ve been providing the same opportunities at Etopia since 2011. Utilizing a virtual world to practice daily living skills has proven to be one of the most successful training platforms for BEST.