Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to all our Etopia friends and family! In many places snow is deep. In others the weather is warm and sunny. At Etopia we have just a dusting of snow unless you’re headed up to Eagle Peak where it’s cold and snowy. Our plaza is clear of slush and a horse-drawn wagon ride (more…)

You Are What You Eat

I found this wonderful article in my recent newsletter from the Tacoma Food Coop. I love this place nestled in a bustling neighborhood on 6th Ave in Tacoma WA. If you’re in the area it’s well worth a stop and shop. Please note I hijacked this article and do not, yet, have permission to share (more…)

LL CEO and the Future

It’s been a bit of a roller coaster ride for anyone who has been a part of the Second Life community for more than a heartbeat and especially challenging for those of us who have been around a few years or more. Seems with all of Linden Labs’ good intentions we can’t,in many ways, seem (more…)

Welcome! We’re all NEW!

Etopia has been Second Life’s premier sustainability community sine 2007. During that time we’ve tweaked, rebuilt, expanded, and continued to create a community in Second Life that demonstrates what our real lives can be. Our website, on the other hand, hasn’t kept up. Our site was static, the blog left to wilt, and our followers (more…)