Etopia is about education and community. We never miss an opportunity to engage in either or both. I see this every day whether Wraith is sharing information about mediation techniques or Patrick is showing off the bike shop to a new visitor. So it’s no surprise that one of our favorite fans, Zinnia Zauber, brought (more…)
My passion for nonprofits, education, and creative uses of online tools for greater effectiveness and impact come together in my Second Life project; Etopia. I’m so proud to have Etopia featured in the January 2016 issue of Eclipse Magazine; For those unfamiliar with Second Life, it’s a virtual environment in which users interact with (more…)
Have you seen the clock tower? Taken a wagon ride to Etopia’s coastal village? Or taken an inner-tube down the mountain off Eagle Peak? If you haven’t visited Etopia in a while now is the time to stop by. We’ve revamped and updated many of your favorite areas. We’ve got paddle boats, self-guided sailboats docked (more…)
Happy Holidays to all our Etopia friends and family! In many places snow is deep. In others the weather is warm and sunny. At Etopia we have just a dusting of snow unless you’re headed up to Eagle Peak where it’s cold and snowy. Our plaza is clear of slush and a horse-drawn wagon ride (more…)