Welcome to our another installment of Everything Etopia, a weekly podcast of news and updates. This episode we’ve added a little news from both our first and second lives. Are you a resident of Etopia? Do you have a business, product, or project you’d like us to promote? Drop me a notecard next time you’re (more…)
Welcome to our second installment of Everything Etopia a weekly podcast of news and updates. This week our podcast is all updates. Wow! What a busy week ahead. Are you a resident of Etopia? Do you have a business, product, or project you’d like us to promote? Drop a notecard to Namaara next time you’re (more…)
I can’t believe it! I’ve been talking about doing this ever since we set up the studio on the Plaza last year. Tonight’s podcast touches on what’s new and what’s coming up at Etopia. Pretty light fare and without any commercial interruptions. Let me know what you think 🙂 Podcast Transcript: Happy Sunday and (more…)